Posts from February 2020

Posts from February 2020

The Parables of Lent: The Sower

The Parable of the Sower “The Bible is just a bunch of fictitious stories.” (This is the voice of seed that has fallen on the path. They either can’t see or don’t want to see the connection between the Kingdom of God and day-to-day or eternal life.) “If God was really a loving God, then I wouldn’t have gotten cancer.” (This could be spoken by the seed that fell on shallow, rocky soil. As long as there’s little or no…

What Happens In You When Light Meets Darkness? Part 8 of 8: You Get Face-to-Face with God

We’ve been designed to be face-to-face! Eye contact, posture, tone, gestures, rate of speech, touch, and many more subtleties provide a host of cues that create mood, relationship, response, intimacy, fear…(the list is inexhaustible). Face-to-face interaction is powerful and informative… Unfortunately, it seems that face-to-face is being replace by face-to-phone. What’s your estimate on the number of smart-phone interruptions each day in your interactions? My guess is 50%…meaning at least 50% of the conversations I have in a typical week…

What Happens When Light Meets Darkness? Relationship Forms

Relationships rule! It is not hyperbole to say, relationship is found everywhere and influences everything all the time! Galaxies relate. They are the largest body in the known universe and interact with each other. In fact, Science Alert web site has images of 14 different galaxies interacting, supposedly to become the largest entity ever observed. The truths of quantum physics, the science of the smallest matter known, illustrates strange and wonderful relationships. One of the strangest is called, “entanglement.” Actually…

What Happens When the Darkness in You Meets the Light? Part 6 Good Works Are Illustrated

If “good works” were evidence, would there be enough evidence to “convict” you of having faith in Jesus!? The role of good works in the life of a Christian has been the source of both inspiration and schism. Some people are an inspiration from their dedication and perspiration from amazing and tireless good works. Missionaries that have given up their lives or the lives of their families tell inspiring stories that often contrast starkly with our own (lack of real)…