Policies & Procedures

Policies & Procedures

Publication and Privacy Policy

Introduction: Peace Lutheran Church of Naples, Inc. (Peace) uses various printed and digital publications to promote the Peace spirit of Christian warmth, family, fellowship and community; to provide information to visitors about the Services and ministries of Peace and to provide church members with a convenient and timely source of information about happenings at Peace and in the community.  Information used can come from a variety of sources within the congregation, but principally the information comes from within the ministries themselves, either by action of the associated church staff or by ministry members directly. The terms “publish” or “publication” include posting on a Peace website, inclusion in Peace newsletters and other printed material, and public display on or off the Church premises.

Media images and recordings bring life to and help tell the story of Peace’s faith community, enhance the quality of the information we provide to our members and give visitors an idea of what to expect when they attend our church. Thus, we share media items recorded at our various ministry activities, events and programs in Church publications.

When one participates in public activities or event such as those held at Peace there is, as a general rule, no right to privacy – with certain limited restrictions any random photographer can take and publish your picture.   Peace, while applying some common sense guidelines, assumes that individuals who participate in Church activities give permission for publication of any media recorded, unless a signed “Media Images Opt-Out Form” is on file with the church office. This applies to anyone who attends our church.  That said, the use of images where children are present is restricted as set forth in this policy.  Generally, images where a child is prominently featured will not be used in any publicity unless we have a Peace Privacy Release form on file. While we reserve the right to photograph and record church events we respect your privacy.  We will strive to adhere to the guidelines set forth in this policy.

Goal of the Policy: Since much of the media used by Peace is publicly accessible, this policy seeks to create a balance between the utility of the website and the privacy of individuals.  Thus this policy is designed to provide guidance about what information is appropriate for publication and to set the expectation about what information individuals are encouraged to post.

Administration of the Policy: Every individual or ministry who posts to the site is responsible for the content they post. To assist in the administration of the site the Communications Team, the Pastor, and/or the website administrator will make periodic reviews of the contents of the website to ensure that this policy is being followed. This policy will be posted on the website and all Elders, Council members, and staff will be given copies of this policy and will be expected to familiarize themselves with the policy’s objectives and provisions.

Restricted Website Pages: The website has several pages where access is restricted to registered users.  This section includes the Church directory and other pages which may include names, photos and other confidential information.  Access to this area is restricted to Church members and certain friends of the Church who have had access approved by the Pastor, the Church Council or the Communications Team. To register an individual must request a user-name and password in a written request delivered to the Church Business Office. Our website is indexed by major search engines.  However, those search services cannot access the Church directories or any pages that require a password to access.

The following Personal information may be published by Peace Lutheran Church without written permission of the person depicted or described:

1.     Peace phone numbers, extensions and Peace e-mail addresses of staff or contact persons (i.e. janedoe@peacelutherannaples.org).
2.     Photographs of staff members leading or attending a Peace sponsored event.
3.     Narrative descriptions of events which contain the names of staff persons.
4.     Names Staff biographical information.
5.     First and last names of adult members when those members are designated as a contact person for a Peace event or activity.
6.     Images or videos of adults (individuals or groups) engaged in Peace activities may be published with or without accompanying first name identification.
7.     Photographs with full names of current staff members.
8.     Descriptive announcements of scheduled events which contain the names of persons in a leadership role. For example, a speaker, clinician, musician, author or local dignitary.
9.     Other photos as permitted herein.

The following information may be published only in the restricted access area of the website unless prior written permission of the person described or depicted is obtained by use of a Peace Privacy Release form or a similar document. If the person involved is a minor or under guardianship written permission must be received from the parent or legal guardian.  The executed privacy release form must be on file in the appropriate church or ELC business office prior to publication.

1.     Personal e-mail addresses.
2.     Personal home or mobile phone numbers.
3.     Last names of persons other than as a staff member or as a contact person for an event or activity.
4.     Photographs of adults with accompanying last names.
5.     Information concerning any individual’s birthday, age, wedding anniversary, illness, death, marriage, cares, concerns, prayer requests etc.

Whenever photographs of minors are published, the following criteria must be observed:

1.     No child’s name or other identifying material will be published with his or her picture in connection with any future event.
2.     Except as provided for candid or historical photos, parental permission using the Peace Privacy Release Form or a similar document will be on file for all minors under age 18 prominently featured in a picture or video.
3.     Candid community or group shots in which minors are not prominently featured, and no identifying information is presented, may be published without requiring the written consent of such minors in the shot. Examples include crowds at a fish fry, audience at a musical presentation or convention, groups assembled for a Divine Service, etc.  Posed photos of individuals or small groups are not candid photography subject to this paragraph.
4.     Historical Photos, including photos depicting minors, may be published without having permission for such minors on file.  Historical photos are group photos portraying a past event, (including a past youth event), where specific minors are not prominently featured, and no identifying information is presented. An example would be a picture or video of a musical or stage presentation, or a live nativity scene.

Opting Out of Media Image Publication:  If an individual would prefer that Peace Lutheran Church publications not include items in which they (or their family members) are prominently featured, he or she should complete the “Media Images Opt-Out Form” available in the church office.  A Copy of this form will be posted on the website.  Contact the Church secretary for further information,

Removal of Published Information: Any person who wishes to have a photo or other information about themselves or their family members removed should contact the Peace business office by phone (239-354-9144) or by E-mail to info@peacelutherannaples.org.

Confidentiality: Peace does not guarantee the confidentiality of information that it collects but we will make reasonable efforts to restrict its use to Peace related activities and staff.  Access to information collected by Peace is restricted to authorized personnel only.

Information Collection and Use:  Peace Lutheran Church is the sole owner of the information we collect on our websites. We may use collected information to provide or improve services for users and, as more particularly set forth below, we may use collected information to contact users for a variety of reasons, including, without limitation: (1) asking users about ways Peace can improve our site or services, or (2) sending information to users regarding Peace, its services, or its partners, such as promotions and events. This information is used in ways Peace determines appropriate in its sole discretion, and it reserves the right to do so.  We will not sell or share personal information.

When you register with the Church, we ask for personally identifiable information including, but not limited to, your name, email address, address and phone numbers. Once you register with Peace and sign in to its services, you are not anonymous to us.

The Peace website, as do most websites, employs Cookies to collect information about users and their use of the Site. “Cookies” are small computer files that transfer to your computer that allow the website to know how often you visit the site and the activities you conduct while on the site. Third parties may also use Cookies when you select their links from our Site.  Peace, however, has no access to or control over these third party Cookies.

Financial Transaction Information:  If Peace requests credit card or other financial information from a user on the website it is for the sole purpose to fulfill a financial transaction requested by that user.  In these cases a user must provide information including, but not limited to, name, address, and financial data, along with credit card or bank account information. Peace may use a third party intermediary to perform the transaction processing. This intermediary is solely a link in the distribution chain, and uses the information provided for the sole purpose of processing the transaction.  Once processed, credit card information is not stored by this third party processor unless you ask for a recurring transaction.

The Peace websites employ Secure Socket Layer (SSL) security for data encryption and firewall technology.  System Passwords are routinely changed.  All credit card information transmitted during online transactions is processed with SSL security, an established protocol for transmitting information via the internet that uses server authentication and data encryption to ensure that your date is safe and secure.

Information Sharing and Disclosure:  Peace will not sell or rent your personally identifiable information to anyone. Peace may send personally identifiable information about you to other companies or people when: we have your consent to share the information; we need to share your information to provide the product or service you have requested; we need to send the information to companies who work on behalf of the Church to provide a product or service to you (unless we tell you differently, these companies do not have any right to use the personally identifiable information we provide to them beyond what is necessary or appropriate in our discretion to assist us); we respond to subpoenas, court orders or legal process; or we find that your actions violate the Church Terms of Service or any of our guidelines for specific services. The Church may share aggregated demographic information with our partners that is not linked to any personal information that can identify any individual person.

Links: Our properties may provide links to other sites. Please be aware that Peace is not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every site that collects personally identifiable information. This Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected by our site(s).

Opt-Out (Unsubscribe): Peace needs to be able to communicate at times with its users, and therefore it reserves the right to contact users. Users who no longer wish to receive the Church newsletter or promotional materials from our partners may opt-out of receiving these communications.  Opting –Out of those communications will terminate your registration on our website.

Copyright Notice:  Except for materials in the public domain, all of the content published by Peace Lutheran Church of Naples, Inc., including that posted on its websites is licensed to or the property of Peace Lutheran Church and is protected by copyright laws. This includes text, graphics, logos, icons, images, audio, video, and software. The compilation of all published content is the exclusive property of Peace Lutheran Church. That said the content may be used for personal educational purposes. Any other use, including the reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, re-publication, display, or performance is prohibited.

Copying, broadcasting, downloading, storing in any medium, transmitting, showing or playing in public, adapting or changing in any way published content for any purpose other than to advance the church’s mission, without the prior written permission of Peace Lutheran Church, is not permitted. In accessing these web pages you agree that you may only download the content for your own non-commercial use.

To obtain permission to reproduce information on this site, submit the specifics of your request in writing to Peace Lutheran Church, 9850 Immokalee Road, Naples, Florida, 34120. If permission is granted, the wording “provided with permission from Peace Lutheran Church of Naples, Inc.” and the date must be noted. Peace must be provided with a copy of the final product containing the copyrighted material.  Permission is not required to create a link to a Peace website or any pages contained therein.

Administrative Guidelines:  

1.      A copy of this Publication and Privacy Policy will be included on all Peace websites and copies will be maintained in both the church and the ELC offices.
2.      Notice of the availability of the Peace Privacy Policy and the removal policy will be publicized in the bulletin, on the websites and in any newsletters created by Peace or its ministries at least once a year.
3.      All appropriate staff, commission, committee, and ministry leaders will be required to adhere to this privacy policy.  Thus, it should be reviewed annually to ensure that the policy is adhered to and followed as the ministry transitions with new members and leaders.
4.      In any case, where someone declines permission for a photograph, does not provide permission for an item to be published, or asks that an item be removed from a publication, Peace should comply immediately by refraining from taking the photo or deleting or removing the material, if possible.
5.      All appropriate staff, committee, and ministry leaders will be responsible for clearing any non-exempt photos from their groups or events and submitting them to the webmaster for the website or other publication. With the photos, they should submit a signed form (to be created) that indicates that they have cleared the photos for publication and granting the church the right to use the photograph. In this way, the burden of complying with the policy is with the leader of the group rather than the webmaster.
6.      Internal use of photographs, videos, or other material by staff, committee or ministry leaders for editorial or historical purposes is exempted from this policy.

Church E-Mail Accounts:  Peace provides E-Mail accounts to certain members in order to facilitate communication.  Accounts are authorized for the use of the Pastor, various staff positions,  members of the Church Council and one address is assigned to each classroom in the Peace Early Learning Center.

Liability:  Neither Peace, its employees, nor any other party involved in creating, producing or delivering any publication (including websites) is liable for the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of the data described and/or contained within it and shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use. It is the responsibility of the data user to use the data appropriately and consistent with these limitations. The publications and information contained in our websites are dynamic and will change over time. This data and any graphics are not legal documents and are not intended to be used as such. If the user wishes to verify any information, he/she should contact the appropriate member of the staff of Peace.  The links provided are intended as additional resources for our users. Peace is not responsible for the contents of any off-site pages or any other sites linked from this site. Peace cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, usefulness, or adequacy of any resources, information, products or processes contained in any website linked directly or indirectly to its site.

Questions: If you have any questions or would like to review your personal information, please contact our church secretary. Any questions/concerns about this Policy and/or the Peace Lutheran Church website: (www.peacelutherannaples.org) may be directed by E-mail to info@peacelutherannaples.org, by phone to (239) 354-9144, or by mail to Peace Lutheran Church, 9850 Immokalee Road, Naples, FL 34120.

Policy Review: We take our responsibility to respect and protect your personal information seriously. As part of our commitment to privacy, the Church Council will designate an individual to serve as the Church’s Privacy Officer to ensure compliance with this policy and with appropriate privacy legislation. The Pastor, Staff, Website Administrator, Church Council and/or the Communications Team will periodically review this policy and may make changes as necessary.

Acceptance of Policy by User:  Use of the Peace website indicates your acceptance of this Privacy Policy; please review this Privacy Policy carefully.

This Publication and Privacy Policy was adopted by the Church Council of Peace Lutheran Church of Naples, Inc. on July 6, 2017.

/s/ Fred Grundeman, Secretary of the Church Council