From the outside…fear can look like greed. It might be because in both instances there is a gathering, even a hoarding of resources. And, although this is true of financial resources it is much more widely true of one’s outlook on life.
Fearful people gather resources (often time) out of a mistaken or exaggerated sense of need. Fearful people typically need “just a little more” (could be money or emotional support). Because there’s always news channels, news apps and news programs headlining “fear” there’s an endless supply of fuel for the fearful….
This, and more, is the background for Jesus’ odd parable with an even odd-er conclusion, “For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.” – Jesus (Matthew 15.29)
What we’ll (re)discover from God’s Word in our worship experience is that the opposite of “fearful” isn’t “fear-less.” No, it’s cheerful. Trust replaces doubt and the “What if?” question becomes transformed into, “Why not?” Cheerful people give more financially – but they also give more to life in family, life in a congregation and really, to life itself.
If you’re fearful, pray for the Lord to transform you into cheerful this October! If you’re already cheerful, well, thank the Spirit for his Gift of assurance alive in you!
See you in worship, Good Lord willing,
Pastor Karl