A Prayer for The People of Thousand Oaks (and for all of us)

A Prayer for The People of Thousand Oaks (and for all of us)

Heavenly Father, it has been only days since we sought the comfort of your Spirit from another mass shooting…only 12 days…less than 2 weeks ago in Pittsburgh.

Father, although we may not be able to be surprised, please, please, don’t let our hearts grow callused, into hearts of stone.

Please don’t let our hearts grow numb to the suffering.

Please don’t let our eyes grow accustomed to the dark.

Instead, give us hearts of flesh that feel the anguish of senseless loss; weep with those who suffer and stir in us forever a longing for the Light.

And so, bring all this to Your Throne where we can pray Psalm 22 as Your Son did – and raise us up through Him…out of the depths of ourselves.

In Jesus Name, Amen.