This week’s Biblical character is David, as in King David.
Chosen to be King at about age 15; soothing musician; courageous warrior; man of integrity; enthusiastic dancer; powerful king! And in his ~70 Psalms of praise he consistently gives all the glory to God.
But there’s another side to David who abused his power; lusted himself into adultery; arranged for a husband’s murder; and had divisive family issues. And yet, in his ~70 Psalms he still gave glory to God through it all!
It is his obedience and praise in all circumstances that led the Lord to call him, “a man after my own heart…” (Acts 13.22)
Last week, Hannah was a quiet, seldom-heard-from, singly-focused woman who wanted to be a mom. This week is the exact opposite – one of the largest characters in the Bible that ended up providing Jesus the title, “Son of David” 13x in the Gospel of Matthew!
And yet, they have this in common, their gratitude to God transformed them.
Come to worship like Hannah or like David, but either way, come to worship with deep gratitude. Ask the Lord to put away ingratitude, entitlement and pride. Ask the Spirit to fill you with either Hannah’s quiet acceptance or David’s demonstrative praise – just anticipate being transformed by the power of the Son of David!
See you in worship,