Answering the question, “What child is this?” is as profound as eternity and as simple as the explanation to a 2-year old, “It’s baby Jesus in a manger.”
It’s as profound as being known from eternity and as simple as knowing you are loved unconditionally, today.
It’s as profound as Jesus receiving the tens of thousands of bytes and bits that make up the human genome and as clear as the blue eyes you and your mom share.
This Sunday, it’s as powerful and life-altering as conception, and as simple as new idea. In either case, in any case, you can’t “un-conceive” something or someone. Conceiving births new life that instantly alters the mom, the mind or the board room. Development of what has been conceived can be interrupted, even killed – but not before it’s had a life-altering effect. To quote the cliché, “You can’t un-ring a bell” and to our point in worship, “You can’t un-conceive anything.”
What child is this!?
He’s a child conceived in eternity’s plan and altering every soul ever as Jesus leaves his throne to be conceived in a willing Mary! Notice is sent out about 700 years earlier that the idea conceived by God is published through the prophet Isaiah (7.14). Gabriel (a rare named angel) confirms the immediacy of the Holy Spirit’s most unique visit – ever! (Luke 1.31) The life-altering pace of things is about to pick up dramatically. First Joseph the betrothed, then family, then Inn Keepers in Bethlehem, then…well eventually, you and me…
The idea of a Savior, conceived in the mind of God in eternity cannot be un-conceived. Do you perceive what God has conceived? He’s a zygote, a blastocyst, an embryo, a fetus, a baby, the only God-man ever who can never, ever be un-conceived.
He has altered all life, eternal life, forever.
That’s what child this is.