Composed for Rhythm: Engage. Disengage. Repeat.

Composed for Rhythm: Engage. Disengage. Repeat.

In the concluding installment of “The Love Paradox” worship series, we’ll receive the Gospel call from Jesus to join him in “unforced rhythms of grace.” (Matthew 11.29) We’ll discover or be reminded that not only is there directive from God – there is illustration of how the Creator Himself to follow the “Engage. Disengage. Repeat.” pattern for life.

Little more needs to be said about the “Engage. Engage. Repeat” pattern emerging in culture. Flat screens everywhere, smart phones even more places than that keep us (over) connected. How many times, during the middle of a conversation have you or the person to whom you’re speaking checked a phone (or a wristwatch connected to a phone)? Enough said.

The over engagement often leads to an exhaustion, even illness-driven pattern that looks like this. “Disengage. Disengage. Repeat.” Recreation to the point of weariness; pleasures to the point of satiation; binge watching for hours and hours are all indicators of a reaction to an over connected lifestyle. I once coached a pastor who anticipated an annual hospital stay for stress recovery. Really!?

Introduce Jesus and his call for “unforced rhythms of grace!” Engage. Disengage. Repeat. Sabbath rhythms that engage effort and follow with leisure. Almost musical rhythms that call for a life of passion then rest. Heartfelt living that looks like the healthy waves of an EKG with alternating contractions of activity.

Come on into worship, take a deep breath and let’s accept the Gospel of Rhythm for which we are designed. You can’t work harder, longer or be stronger to get it. It’s a gift. It’s Jesus’ gift.

See you Sunday, Good Lord willing,
