Do you understand faith in Jesus as security or adventure?
When you pray, do you pray more for comfort or for courage?
Are you asking God to equip your spirit for the battle or quiet your soul with calm?
This summer we’re going to take a walk together with Jesus and discuss and listen to what He says to all of the above questions. Our summer worship series, “If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat” is going to be an interesting and delightful walk – indeed!
Loosely based on the book by John Ortberg, we’re going to walk where Jesus walks; go where Jesus goes, and follow where Jesus leads. We’re going to discover the same faith that moved Peter to transfer his weight from the boat – is placed deep within us!
We’re going to pray more and more people of Peace want to walk along together with Jesus in the lead to discover and even revel in adventure, courage and spiritual warfare. We’re going to learn to live “spiritually out there” with eyes laser focused on Jesus! We’re going to take the slow summer months of Naples and go for a walk designed to change our lives (like it did the original disciples)!
Read Matthew 14.22-33 to refresh the story as a way to put on your spiritual walking shoes!