The Parable of the Weeds & the Wheat

The Parable of the Weeds & the Wheat

The reflex for fight or flight is strong especially when we are witness to injustice unfairness or even laziness. People who have little vested interest in the mission of the church but are quick to criticize with curmudgeon like zealousness disrupt momentum and ministry. Underhanded neighbors make plans to disrupt HOA meetings. Family members hold grudges that stifle family gatherings with eye-rolling and heavy sighs. And on and on goes the seemingly endless list and examples of (what Jesus would call) “weeds,” or “tares.” Read Matthew 13.34f.
Jesus defines them as “Sons of the Evil One.”
The question of the day is, what do we do, what is our responsibility? Do we follow the fight or flight reflex…or not!?
Jesus instructs us through this agrarian-based parable to leave the “weeds” alone lest in your expelling them from the field you injure “the good seed.”
Like revenge, Jesus says, he’ll take full responsibility at the consummation of the ages, i.e., at the Time He appoints to deal with the “law breakers” and people who set traps of sin. At His command, His angels will take care of business, and they will be banished to the”fiery furnace.”
The “good seed” will then look forward to “shining like the sun!”
Let’s dive into this no-holes-barred parable this Sunday!
Out Of An Abundance of Caution
We will be gathering for worship utilizing large gathering precautions designed to minimize the potential for the spread of any virus. These include:
  1. The recommendation/request to avoid shaking hands or embracing as a form of greeting. Instead, consider a smile, eye contact and a respectful nod/bow
  2. The “Greeting” portion of worship will be suspended
  3. Communion will be with individual cups only (no common cup will be served)
  4. As the Officiant distributing the bread/Body of Christ, I will make a point to cleanse my hands with sanitizer immediately before distribution
  5. I will not shake hands after worship (or any part of the morning)
  6. And, as common sense would dictate, please stay home if you are not well
  7. We are planning on tuning up our technology for live/video feeds and double check that our online giving platform is both secure and operational (this in case significant numbers stay away from worship over time)
But first, before all that, let’s utilize this time of national and global urgency to recognize our vulnerability. World-wide crises are an opportune time to turn way from self-sufficiency and recognize our dependence on our Lord alone! Whether corona virus or terrorist attacks, “in this world you will have trouble – but take heart, I have overcome the world!” – Jesus (John 16.33)
We, at Peace, will take all the necessary steps to protect against virus contagions, while always drawing attention to the One who saved us from the origin of all contagions – sin!
I look forward to seeing you at worship,