God Spoke to Job

God Spoke to Job

“In the Eye of the Storm”
You can’t talk about hard times without referencing the Bible’s Book of Job. Considered to be the oldest book of the Bible written, it addresses the enigma of suffering. Why, why me and even why not me are all questions stirred up throughout the book.
Near the end of it all Job hears from God and asks him some questions. In Job 40.6 He speaks up “from the eye of the storm.”
As we enter another month of pandemic limitations, I find myself needing to press my spiritual and psychological reset button (of sorts) and listen for the Word of the Lord from the eye of the storm. And sure enough, as He has promised, I see God at work in the eye of the storm!
From sharing these devotional thoughts to contributing tithes and offerings, from checking in on neighbors to praying for the will of the Lord to be done; from contributing to our PELC food drive, to sharing encouragement to those discouraged…and so much more; so, so much more. God is blessing us – from the eye of the storm!
Okay, saints of God we can do this. We will turn to God daily, hourly sometimes, minute-by-minute if God so calls. We will be careful to keep from contracting the virus and thereby bless others and ourselves. We will pray for those who have the virus and for the medical personnel who are striving! And we’ll do this today and then the “today” that’s next.
We will do this as by the God who gives us strength and faith to hear him – from the eye of the storm!
Click here to listen to the song, “Eye of the Storm” from YouTube.
Remember who you are and to Whom you belong,
Thank You
For Contributing Your Tithes and Offerings
Thank you and thanks be to God for those who have sent in their gifts to the Lord while we’ve been in our “Church @Home” mode. Gifts last week totaled just under $4000!
For those of you yet to contribute, please either: 1.) mail your offering in: Attn Suzanne or 2.) give online. Follow this link. Our weekly offering goal is over $4000. Thanks for doing your part!
Food Drive for PELC Staff/Teachers/Families
To provide some relief for those who would appreciate it, please bring dry goods, canned goods or other non-perishables by Peace next Monday – Thursday between 9AM and 1PM.
Just pull under the portico, place your gifts of love by the bench near the entry and drive away. Ms Jasmin, our PELC Director will manage the distribution and disbursement at her discretion.
Thank you, in advance for your generous participation!

One Comment

    Beckie Goudy

    We will survive this. We will be stronger in our Faith. We know that God is in charge. Blessings to all of you. I miss you terribly, but , “This Too Shall Pass “.

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