Children @ Peace

Children @ Peace

Children @ Peace

Confirmation Classes

Mark your calendars!  June 27, 2021 confirmation classes start at 10:45am, following the Sunday 9:30am worship service.  Come as you are, whether you are 10 or 100, or simply need a little refreshing.  Faith comes by hearing.

children’s ministry
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me,
and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

Children’s ministry at Peace Lutheran Naples helps children understand God’s unconditional love for them in Jesus, shares God’s love and encourages children to grow spiritually, cultivates caring relationships with adults who pass on the faith, and gives children opportunities to serve.

“Every Child Blessed” is both our mission and purpose, so whether you are young or old, or somewhere in-between, come as you are…welcome, safe, and loved.

engage, one body in Christ