“An Invitation to Power, Love and Self-control”

“An Invitation to Power, Love and Self-control”

We will not be meeting in the sanctuary this Sunday – in obvious response to the current pandemic. Following the lead of Collier County Schools that will close next week, Peace worship, our Early Learning Center, and all meetings and Bible studies will be suspended for next week.
The Word of the Lord, however, is not, never was and never will be suspended. Follow the link below to St Paul’s imprisoned invitation to God’s surprising gifts.
“An Invitation to Power, Love and Self-control”
Remember this; we’re not cancelling corporate worship out of fear, but out of love. It seems to me a loving gesture to consider how to be bless the community and our neighbors to most efficiently work our way through this temporarily trying time!
Watch your email in-box, our web site and Facebook page for updates (which are sure to come).
Out Of An Abundance of Caution
When we will be gathering for worship we will continue utilizing large gathering precautions designed to minimize the potential for the spread of any virus. These include:
  1. The recommendation/request to avoid shaking hands or embracing as a form of greeting. Instead, consider a smile, eye contact and a respectful nod/bow
  2. The “Greeting” portion of worship will be suspended
  3. The offering plate will be placed at the door as you exit the sanctuary
  4. We will remove the Friendship Register
  5. I will not shake hands after worship (or any part of the evening)
  6. We have had and will continue to have volunteers wipe down all surfaces in the sanctuary and fellowship hall with a bleach-water solution
  7. And, as common sense would dictate, please stay home if you are not well
  8. We have tuned up our technology for video recording and double checked that our online giving platform is both secure and operational (this in case significant numbers stay away from worship over time
We, at Peace, will take all the necessary steps to protect against virus contagions, while always drawing attention to the One who saved us from the origin of all contagions – sin!