Rejoice, Always!? (Really, Always!?)
It can sound like spiritual hyperbole, can’t it!?
God has everything under control.
It boggles the imagination – even spurs inclinations of resistance – that horrible injustices, terrorist evils and suffering from painful disease are somehow strangely a part of The Plan in God’s design. It may even fuel doubt and tilt the soul toward unbelief.
Even more ghastly is that during any or all of this we might participate in St Paul’s imperative to, “Rejoice in the Lord Always. Again I say, rejoice.” (Philippians 4.4) To some it can seem like so much denial and Pollyannaish blurred vision.
But to others, especially a “minor prophet” with the funny Hebrew name, Habakkuk, it’s fully comprehensible…by faith. It’s fully explainable…by faith. It’s fully visible…by faith.
“The righteous will live by his faith.” (Habakkuk 2.4)
It isn’t some blind eye turned toward tragedy, but a vision that sees through the sorrow to its defeat. Living by the gift of faith isn’t a weakness in need of a crutch, but a Power and Peace to move through the pain that is being redeemed into something else.
Yes, it is a hope for tomorrow, but it’s real today in the present moment. In fact, rejoicing always and again is experienced best in the Present Moment – the here that is right here; the now that is right now!
Come to worship to be reminded that God does indeed have The Plan. Come to receive the Power and Peace found in bread and wine/Body and Blood and allow God to work in you the same vision he did for the prophet with the funny name.
You will leave rejoicing for always.