Posts by PastorKarl (Page 7)

Posts by PastorKarl (Page 7)

Cast Your Bread Upon the Waters?

Those that have “been there done that” often carry significantly more credibility than those who have not been there or done that. Breast cancer survivors speak volumes to those who discover they have the disease. Recovering addicts serve as sponsors to those spiraling in the web of lies. Any of us who have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus living a Christian lifestyle can comfort and direct the convicted sinner (felon, adulterer, etc.) because we know there is forgiveness…

Dying to Self to Live Selflessly

Who on earth would call a sacrificial death, a time “to be glorified?” Who on earth would love his life by losing it? Who on earth hates his life here in comparison to the hope of eternal life? Two answers: Jesus and You! In this week’s sermon entitled, “Sowing Lessons” it’s now Jesus’ turn to use a seed as metaphor for the spiritual journey from fearful to cheerful. His point? In the same way a seed dies (is buried) and…

What To Do with All the Blessings!?

“Trading Places” was an early 80’s movie about a wealthy, but outcast Louis Winthorpe III, and a homeless man, Billy Ray Valentine who, through a complex set of circumstances end up (you guessed it) trading places. Valentine receives the wealth and privilege of Winthorpe while Winthorpe suffers the pains of poverty. It’s a kind of remake of Mark Twain’s, “The Prince and the Pauper.” Both/either serve as the jumping-off point for the second installment of October’s worship theme, “Fields of Gold.”…

From Fearful to Cheerful: The Spiritual Objective of Our Four Week Worship Series

From the outside…fear can look like greed. It might be because in both instances there is a gathering, even a hoarding of resources. And, although this is true of financial resources it is much more widely true of one’s outlook on life. Fearful people gather resources (often time) out of a mistaken or exaggerated sense of need. Fearful people typically need “just a little more” (could be money or emotional support). Because there’s always news channels, news apps and news…

You Were Made for Mission (What’s Yours?)

“…I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me…” – St Paul (Acts 20.24) For St Paul, the mission was everything. It meant more to him than his life. This Sunday as we conclude “The Power of Purpose” September worship series, we’ll end where the Gospels end – with the mission the Lord Jesus has given us! Can you identify the mission the Lord Jesus has…

Living a No Regrets Life…

Fyodor Dostoyevsky, the renowned 20th century Russian novelist is quoted as saying, “The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.” Powerhouse novelists, ancient philosophers and lots of really smart people throughout history have recognized the meaninglessness that infects the purpose-less, even drifting life. But pretty much all of them (or at least all of them I’ve encountered) point in the wrong direction to find life’s direction. They generally point inward.…

What On Earth Are You Here For?

This next Sunday completes our September focus on God’s Power of Purpose. We’ve asked large questions designed to bring to Light fundamental Truth that frees our lives and glorifies God! We’ve learned from the Blue Zones research what lifestyle habits contribute to healthy longevity – including my personal favorite – those who attend worship 4x/month! Mostly, we’ve (re)discovered how the Power and Peace of the Gospel blesses us and glorifies God! Here’s where we’ve been. “Where Does It All Begin?”…

You Were Shaped for Service

According to “The Annals of Internal Medicine” (October 3, 2017 article) sitting too long each day can increase your risk of premature death – even if you exercise. Maybe you’ve heard some say, “sitting is the new smoking” meaning all our sedentary-ness is sneaking up and harming, and maybe killing us! I’m not a frequent reader of Internal Medicine journals – but I do read the Bible frequently! And, as it turns out physicians and researchers are rediscovering what the…

The Power of Purpose Part 2: You Were Created to Become Like Christ

You Were Created to Become Like Christ! Thanks be to God for a great start of our “Power of Purpose” September worship. Thanks as well to the Power of Purpose workshop leaders from the “Southwest Florida Blue Zones” where ~40 of us met to (re)discover our purpose, focus or calling! It was time very well spent! The point last Sunday? The universe is purposeful, not random. There is a Designer, an Initiator. The Scripture’s identify the Designer as Jesus –…

Coveting: Don’t Even Think About It

“…any way you count it, these last two commandments address the thought of coveting well before the action has a chance to spring from within. It is apparently something God is trying to nip in the bud. “

The Freedom of Boundaries from the 6th Commandment

The Freedom of Boundaries: The 6th Commandment Do Not Commit Adultery  Few emotional wounds cut as deeply as betrayal/broken trust. When trust is violated, the bridge of relationship blows up and crumbles. It’s especially true with those closest to you, co-workers, partners, friends, people in your church. The closer they are to you, the more impactful; especially among Christians. The psychological fallout rolls like the dust cloud off an imploding building. As destructive as that force is – it pales…

Do You Worship Other Gods?

Do you worship other gods? Of course, you don’t!? Right!? I’ll willing to bet you have no idols of Buda to which you bow; no prayers to Allah five times a day; and that you’re not a student of the Hindu Vedas. However… I’m also willing to bet you, like me, are prone to seek other gods like “Quick Fix” or the impatient god of “Instant Gratification” – or the ever-present temptation to worship the god of “Mammon” made famous…