At least for a moment…be still…
I get it – that is much more easily said than done!
I get it – a restlessness may pervade your spirit with concerns that grow into fears.
I get it – there is no history or historical perspective on which to draw some predictions and conclusions.
Still, there is need to be still! It’s in the stillness that we’re most receptive to the direction and comfort of the Holy Spirit. God promises to fight for us – if we will but be still (Exodus 14.14)
Most of all, if we’ll be still we can be reminded and refreshed just knowing… knowing God’s Love in Jesus remains…knowing the Holy Spirit still resides within…most of all just knowing He is God.
That’s it – just knowing He is God!
Give yourself enough time to be still and know that He is God! (Psalm 26) Click the blue button on the front page of our website and, for a little while…just be still…
Remember who you are and to Whom you belong,
Thank You
For Contributing Your Tithes and Offerings
Thank you and thanks be to God for those who have sent in their gifts to the Lord while we’ve been in our “Church @Home.” mode. You have blessed our mission with over $5000 so far during this trying time!
For those of you yet to contribute, please either: 1.) mail your offering in: Attn Suzanne or 2.) give online. Follow this link.