Blog (Page 5)

Blog (Page 5)

How Big Is Your God!?

The heavens are declaring the glory of God! More than simply taking up space, the majesty and magnitude of the universe tell us something about the Author of the universe. Ask this question, “What is the chance the universe formed by chance?” Mathematical professor at Oxford University, Roger Penrose says, “that it is a number that would be impossible to write out in the usual decimal way, because even if you were able to put a zero on every particle…

Focusing On Waiting On Jesus

Who here likes to wait? Even if this was a sincere question, it would be understood as rhetorical because of the obvious answer. No one. Waiting, at the very least is an annoyance. Picture here the last time you were on hold on the phone growing old listening to stupid “elevator” music interrupted by a recorded announcement telling us how we’re a valued customer and that someone will be with us shortly. Ugh! Waiting, perhaps at its worst is painful.…

Walking on Water: Believing the “Unbelievable”

The creed of the skeptic: “Show me!” The call of God: “First you’ve got to step out of the boat.” The skeptic wants first to be convinced before acting. The call of God first wants you and me to act in faith in order to be shown. God isn’t a sideshow of miracle cures and amazing supernatural tricks. This isn’t a spiritual circus or phenomenal magic show. It’s still about surrender. Letting go. Trusting God. Kingdom advancement. Peter’s water walking…

How Do You Recognize the Voice of God!?

  How do YOU know the Voice of God? How do you discern God’s Voice from the voice in your head? How has the Lord spoken to you recently? In your lifetime? These issues and more spring out of Peter’s very brief and very daring proposition to Jesus (out on the water). “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” (Matthew 14.28) Whether right or wrong, Peter was an “out of the boat” kind…

What Does the Holy Spirit Want You TO DO?

Whoever hears these word of mine…and does them” – Jesus (Matthew 7.24) “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works…” – St Paul (Ephesians 2.10) “So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” – James (2.17) “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” – Jesus (Matthew 7.21) “If you love…

If You Want to Walk on Water You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat

Do you understand faith in Jesus as security or adventure? When you pray, do you pray more for comfort or for courage? Are you asking God to equip your spirit for the battle or quiet your soul with calm? This summer we’re going to take a walk together with Jesus and discuss and listen to what He says to all of the above questions. Our summer worship series, “If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out…

On Memorial Sunday We’re Honoring First Responders

In our remembering, we honor! In our honoring, we give thanks to God! This Sunday’s worship has a decidedly civic and patriotic tone as we honor our governing authorities (Romans 13.1); the work of our civil servants and the sacrifice of our First Responders. The prophet Jeremiah was instructed by God to “Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” –…

Mother’s Day: The Power of Honoring

“Honor your father and mother so that you may live long in the land the Lord you God is giving you.” – God (via Moses and Exodus 20.12) St Paul adds a few years later, “This is the first commandment with a promise.” (Ephesians 6.1-3) This Mother’s Day is all about the power of “honoring.” We’ll learn from a deep dive into this word, “honor” it is a voluntary weight lovingly borne. Honoring is choosing to carry the burden of…

It’s a Matter of Fresh Air – Again!

I’ve had a higher-than-usual number of comments and questions on last week’s sermon, “The Fresh Air of Forgiveness” – so much so I’ve added “Part 2” this week! Essentially, the Open Tomb serves as the Source of the Fresh Air of Forgiveness Jesus “breathed on” his frightened and secluded disciples. From that first breath of heavenly air, forgiveness of sins has been circulating globally – from heart to heart, soul to soul! It’s called the Gospel. From that first breath,…

The Fresh Air of Forgiveness

It’s a matter of fresh air! Breathing in a stuffy room is uncomfortable, at the least; maybe stifling. Stale air full of humidity may make it hard to breathe, maybe even claustrophobic. There’s a need to “escape” to find some fresh air. Living in a stuffy relationship is uncomfortable, at the least; maybe even stifling. Stale relationships full of grudges may make it hard to relax, maybe feel stuck or lost. It is for this reason and so many millions…

A Matter of Life & Death: Scandalous Jesus

Locked into a stare…Jesus tells the Pharisees a highly unlikely-to-be-true story about a trusting vineyard owner who keeps getting abused and taken advantage of by the stewards left behind. It’s highly unlikely the owner of the vineyard would allow the beatings and abuse by the stewards. It’s highly unlikely the owner would risk sending his son into such a dangerous engagement. It’s highly unlikely the gangster-like stewards would actually kill the son of the land owner without fear of repercussion. And yet…the highly unlikely story’s death…

I AM the Good Shepherd (& It’s Personal)

It happens all the time. Bosses get “bossy.” Pastors get pushy. Parents impatiently become controlling (overbearing). It’s a sinful pattern since sin dis-integrated things. Leaders de-evolve into something other than the personal care and investment their office of charge calls for. Instead, there is a petrification of the heart that leads to impersonal pronouncements instead of loving dialogue. In the writings of the prophet Ezekiel, chapter 34, the Lord chastises the leadership of the day pointing out their selfishness; greed…