Focusing On Waiting On Jesus

Focusing On Waiting On Jesus

Who here likes to wait?
Even if this was a sincere question, it would be understood as rhetorical because of the obvious answer.
No one.
Waiting, at the very least is an annoyance. Picture here the last time you were on hold on the phone growing old listening to stupid “elevator” music interrupted by a recorded announcement telling us how we’re a valued customer and that someone will be with us shortly. Ugh!
Waiting, perhaps at its worst is painful. Picture here a feverish child up all night with parental vigils that feel like a nighttime goes on forever.
Waiting, however, has a spiritually maturing element to it when it is waiting on the Lord’s timing; the Lord’s intervention and the Lord’s purposes. As a matter of Biblical fact, the poetic prophet Isaiah claims waiting on the Lord brings blessings not annoyance; brings strength through the pain.
“They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength…” – Isaiah (40.31)
This Sunday is an opportunity to learn of and celebrate God’s marvelous transformation of “waiting.” It is a message worth the wait!
Additionally, the first Sunday of every month is PELC Sunday. We’ll bless Whitney our Business Administrator and Dodie, our Front Desk person by learning a little bit of what they do and praying over them God’s blessings. We’ll pray for a productive work week for the PELC staff and seek Prayer Partners for each one as well. Peace Early Learning Center is the tip of the spear of our vision, “Every Child Blessed!”
Let’s experience God’s Word together!
See you in worship, Good Lord willing,