“If you want to give God a chuckle, tell him about your future!”
I first ran across this non-Biblical, but still-rings-true proverb in Minnesota when I was pastoring Zion, Hopkins. We put that phrase on our outdoor sign and received lots of interesting community feedback.
The truth behind the “chuckle” is a conviction that we believe we have power to effect our future – but that’s really a selfish illusion. We have no power over our future. We can’t see it; can’t predict it; can’t anticipate it. This is a hard truth for planners and strategists (like me) – even rougher if you’re a “control freak” (whatever that is).
Yet it’s now an obvious global truth, isn’t it!?
All we have – all we ever really, ever have, is the present moment! But, that’s the Good News, not the bad. God’s name is “I AM” (Exodus 3) and Jesus declares, “Before Abraham was, I AM.”
Our God is the Eternal Present Moment. Let’s meet him today in the right now.
Remember who you are and to Whom you belong,