Integrity. Do you have it? If not, do you want it? Do you know how to get it, if you want it!? And, lastly are you ready to pay the price for it? Do you value it highly enough to make sacrifices for it?
Duplicity. The antonym of integrity, or at least an antonym of integrity is more the norm, isn’t it? Saying one thing and doing another; acting-out in secrecy and pretending in the light are all a part of the human condition. We are by nature, sinful and duplicitous. Yes!?
I’ve listened to people complain about DC politics and the same week act underhandedly in church politics. You don’t have to have to tune in CNN to find a duplicitous person. And in reality, at the end of the day, we all find one in the mirror!
This is why Jesus visited the planet he created – to illustrate a life of perfect integrity. This is why Jesus died on a cross made of wood from a tree he created – to pay for our lack of integrity, our duplicity.
Come Sunday to hear the sound of forgiveness spoken and grace provided – not because we’re people of integrity, but to make us what we’re not!
Leave ready to live by God’s grace as people of integrity!
I look forward to seeing you in worship!
Pastor Karl