I’ve had a higher-than-usual number of comments and questions on last week’s sermon, “The Fresh Air of Forgiveness” – so much so I’ve added “Part 2” this week!
Essentially, the Open Tomb serves as the Source of the Fresh Air of Forgiveness Jesus “breathed on” his frightened and secluded disciples. From that first breath of heavenly air, forgiveness of sins has been circulating globally – from heart to heart, soul to soul! It’s called the Gospel.
From that first breath, the Power to forgive, paid for in the crucifixion, comes the command to circulate it! Consider the scuba diver’s rescue procedure called, “buddy breathing.” If a scuba diver’s tank runs out of air, the one who has air shares with the one who doesn’t! It’s difficult to imagine one diver turning from another with crossed arms over chest refusing to share the air. It would be deadly…
Such is the story of forgiveness from Matthew 18.21f. Such is the command of Jesus in Matthew 6. 14-15. Such is the nature of James warning in his letter (2.13). If the analogy breaks down at all it’s in the harsh reality that it’s us (not our “buddy”) who drowns.
Unforgiveness suffocates.
Yet, yet, it’s as easy as a deep breath, as refreshing as deeply inhaling – forgiveness, new life and Fresh Air for the soul is as close as the Holy Spirit.
And He’s right here!
All the time.
Just breathe….