Thanksgiving Eve Worship 7p: Taking the Long Way Home

Thanksgiving Eve Worship 7p: Taking the Long Way Home

Leprosy is ugly.

I saw a leper in my time in India and he was hard to look at. I struggled not to turn away, but I did. Although we now know it is hard to contract, they didn’t know that in Biblical times. It’s ugliness supplied the fear and perhaps the only thing worse than the disease was the isolation that resulted.

Imagine being shunned at every turn; never touched, embraced, caressed, kissed – ever again.

So… what Jesus restored in healing the disease was less the restoration of health and more the restoration of community, belonging, connection to people.

The real story is understanding the incredible loneliness that vanished with the disease – and still choosing to go thank Jesus. Can you imagine how overwhelmed you might be to be touched again; hugged by your husband, wife, mom, daughter, son?

What a powerful gratitude it was that postponed that to take the long way home, find Jesus and be grateful. He leaves us with the Thanksgiving lesson, stay focused on the Gift-Giver and allow your powerful gratitude to take the long way home to him!

Read the story for yourself in Luke 17.11-19.

See you in Thanksgiving eve worship at 7p, good Lord willing!
