The Parables of Lent: The Sower

The Parables of Lent: The Sower

The Parable of the Sower
The Bible is just a bunch of fictitious stories.” (This is the voice of seed that has fallen on the path. They either can’t see or don’t want to see the connection between the Kingdom of God and day-to-day or eternal life.)
If God was really a loving God, then I wouldn’t have gotten cancer.” (This could be spoken by the seed that fell on shallow, rocky soil. As long as there’s little or no suffering/cost for the Kingdom, they’re good.)
I’d love to attend worship more but I’ve got too much going on.” (This is the seed among thorns. Worries of having enough and pursuits of pleasure take up the resources of the soul designed to be invested in the Kingdom of God.)
“Here I am Lord, send me.” (This is a quote from Isaiah 6.8. This voice of seed falling on good soil. It is receptive and listening with anticipation for God’s direction because it trusts it will be a blessing full of purpose and productivity.)
Which voice is yours?
Which voice do you want to be yours?
My hope and prayer is that you’ll hear the voice of Jesus in worship, and trust the Holy Spirit when he touches you and say, “Here I am send me.”
The Parable of the Sower is the second story of Jesus in our Lent journey. Each Sunday and Wednesday evening we’ll gather for another story Jesus told as a means to reach the human soul and save it from itself. We’re tracking along the devotional book by Rev. Dr. Dean Nadasdy, “The Parables of Lent.” Order it from Amazon in either hard copy or e-book so we can walk together in this Lenten season of preparation!
I look forward to seeing you in worship on Sunday!
Pastor Karl