Sunday, March 22, is another “Worship from Home” worship experience! I will provide a Hope-Full message that is designed to provide some light for the soul and relief for the weary spirit! It will be based on Romans 15.13, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy…”
- For messages of hope and assurance, go to our website at and click on the “Pastor’s Message” button for a time with God’s Word and assurance of his love, grace and power
- For short articles/blogs/devotionals click on the button, “Pastor Karl’s Blogs.”
- For Ms Debbie’s message to children, go to and click on the “Kids @ Peace” button
- For electronic tithes and offerings, go to the “Giving” tab at the top of our web site.
- For physically mailing your contribution, address it to Peace Lutheran Church, c/o Suzanne 9850 Immokalee Road, Naples, 34120
- Your tithes and offerings are so very important to keep the mission working during these times of fear and angst. Please be faithful!
I am spending each day shepherding from a distance. The day is full of daily prayers for all of you! I’m working my way through the phone directory to check-in with how you’re coping with this challenging time. I’m writing devotional emails of hope and turning many of them into short videos for your spiritual nourishment and refreshment. I’m connecting with other pastor/congregations to gather ideas for ministry for such a time as this! I’m filling our web site with God’s calling of hope!
We make the “Worship at Home” call weekly, and like many, anticipate it will be a few weeks before we can gather as one again!
Pray, pray, pray we will be considered faithful during and after this difficult time,
Pastor Karl