“Is Greater Than He Who Is Living In the World”
…just wanted to remind you today…
“He who is living in you is greater than he who is living in the world.”
– 1 John 4.4
Remember who you are and to Whom you belong,
Thank You
For Contributing Your Tithes and Offerings
Thank you and thanks be to God for those who have sent in their gifts to the Lord while we’ve been in our “Church @Home” mode. Gifts last week totaled over $6000! Your faithfulness is a blessing during difficult times!
For those of you yet to contribute, please either: 1.) mail your offering in: Attn Suzanne or 2.) give online. Follow this link. Our weekly offering goal is over $4000. Thanks for doing your part!
Food Drive for PELC Staff/Teachers/Families
Thank you for your generous participation! The last time I walked through the Fellowship Hall there were three tables full of gifts of love and a number of $25 Publix gift cards! Way to go saints of God!
Our purpose is to provide some relief for those who would appreciate it. Please bring dry goods, canned goods or other non-perishables by Peace next Monday – Thursday between 9AM and 1PM.
Just pull under the portico, place your gifts of love by the bench near the entry and drive away. Ms Jasmin, our PELC Director will manage the distribution and disbursement at her discretion.