Especially While You’re Waiting
For the first time in my lifetime, it’s not a cliche to say, “The whole world’s waiting.” Waiting for this to be over. Waiting for effective treatments to emerge. Waiting for an effective vaccine. Waiting for the economy to reopen.
Such waiting may be new to the world, but not the Creator of the world. First of all, “waiting” may not be something God does much of/any of,anyway. For our present moment God, the Great I AM, “waiting” implies a passage of time to which He is not subject. Consider 2 Peter 3.8 “With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.” Peter is likely applying Psalm 90.4 “‘For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by…” So, in my opinion God is never waiting – however – there’s no question we are the frustrated subjects of time and we have to wait!
To weave in a Mother’s Day theme, I’ve reviewed a few Moms who God selected to be a part of his Biblical plan to bring a Messiah into the world. They all have in common this one thing, they were waiting to bear children who did not arrive on their timetable. For all of them it was a terrible time of waiting as that culture often shamed and ridiculed the childless. Couples today who struggle to become pregnant may share some of the frustrated sorrow. They know.
But here ‘s the thing. When the Biblical women did bear a child, that child, born at God’s precise time became a part of the giant intricate workings of God’s Plan. They weren’t just born in time – they were born at the right time, at God’s Time! Their life story played a role for generations, even through to today’s generations. Their life had timely and timeless eternal purpose to effect God’s Plan!
Our story is woven into their story. From moms who are waiting today to all of us waiting for Covid-19 to go away, we can be confident we fit into God’s Master Plan. In fact, we’re the reason, we’re God’s motive for having a Master Plan! We fell away, He wants us back and was willing to pay the price.
1 Samuel 1 is the story of waiting Hannah and will serve as the person of interest in this week’s message. Through her, at just the right time, she bore Samuel, gave him back to God who then utilized him as prophet, judge and more to lead God’s people from being ruled by judges to Kings.
Want to see how God is utilizing you at just the right time and meeting just the right people – just wait for it! You’ll discover you too are a part of the Master Plan!